Back to School with GPS Trackers
Much to the dismay of students everywhere, summer is coming to a close and school will soon be back in full swing. With the return to school, we're spreading the word about the many ways parents, students, school systems and universities are utilizing GPS trackers to protect students and operate more efficiently.
Security for Students
School systems are rapidly turning to GPS trackers to assure student safety. In a recent report, some British schools are testing a new swipe card system which will allow parents to confirm their child's location throughout the school day. Using their computers, parents can easily see if their children have boarded the bus, arrived at school safely, and are attending classes as scheduled. Other school systems use GPS trackers to track the routes of school buses, another method of assuring student safety.
College Campuses
School children aren't the only ones experiencing the advantages of GPS trackers throughout the school day. College students, too, are taking advantage of GPS trackers often for the purpose of personal safety. With GPS trackers clipped to their belts or tossed in backpacks, college students are relieving mom's worries with this added measure of security. Some campuses have even required the use of cell phones equipped with GPS trackers for every student enrolled.
Down to Business
Just like other businesses, school systems must operate on a budget and make each dollar stretch as far as possible. For this purpose, school systems are now using GPS trackers on all of their vehicles to help with fuel conservation, and to monitor employees. In addition, the reporting features of GPS tracking software mean that GPS trackers are helping schools achieve much more efficient compiling of transportation and vehicle usage reports.
Not Just for Schools
If your school has not yet discovered the many benefits of using GPS trackers, you can affordably purchase a handheld GPS tracker for personal use that is quite kid-friendly. With a computer and Internet connection, GPS trackers can allow you to monitor your child's whereabouts every day, whether they are in school, outside riding their bike, or staying over at a friend's house.
For More Information
For more information on how to assure the safety of your favorite student with GPS trackers, please visit TrackingTheWorld at