Loss Prevention with GPS Tracking
One of the biggest factors in maintaining a healthy bottom line for your business is through the ability to effectively prevent the loss of valuable equipment and products due to theft by employees and strangers. GPS tracking devices used with GPS tracking software are an excellent way of both preventing theft through deterrence and minimizing loss through the ability to quickly locate stolen items.
Crimes Solved with GPS Tracking Devices
Worried about theft in your business? Consider the following examples which demonstrate how GPS tracking devices have resulted in the quick recovery of stolen items for business owners in the United States and abroad. On April 28, 2008, the Dallas Morning News reported that GPS tracking devices installed on large air conditioning units valued at $2000 each resulted in their immediate recovery after they were stolen. Due to the increasing value of brass and other metals as scrap, air conditioning units are quickly becoming a favorite target of thieves. Knowing this, security guards at the housing complex installed GPS tracking devices on the air conditioning units, allowing police to quickly locate them in a storage facility through the use of GPS tracking software.
On November 11, 2007, News Channel 10 of Sacramento reported that a GPS tracking device installed on kitchen cabinets at a new home construction site resulted in the arrest of 7 individuals and the recovery of more than 20 stolen items. According to the report, GPS tracking devices and GPS tracking software led police to within 50 feet of the stolen items.
On July 23, 2007, the Sidney Morning Herald of Sidney, Australia reported that a stolen semi-trailer loaded with hundreds of video game consoles with a total value of more than a $1 million, was recovered in a matter of hours through the use of a GPS tracking device and GPS tracking software.
See Story Here: http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2007/07/21/1184560110985.html?from=top5
A Powerful Theft Deterrent
In addition to their ability to help authorities quickly solve crimes such as those mentioned above, GPS tracking devices can be an extremely effective theft deterrent for employees who may be tempted to steal from your company. If your employees know that GPS tracking devices installed on company vehicles and equipment will quickly allow you to see their location at any time, they'll be much less likely to attempt theft for fear of losing their job or facing criminal prosecution. With heavy equipment, cargo and scrap metal thefts at all-time highs, GPS tracking devices and GPS tracking software can be a smart investment for businesses of every type and size.
For More Information
For more information about GPS tracking devices and GPS tracking software, please visit TrackingtheWorld, Inc. at www.trackingtheworld.com.