The Basics of Covert GPS Tracking
What is covert GPS tracking?
Covert GPS tracking refers to the use of a GPS tracking device, usually a GPS vehicle tracker, to secretly track the location of an individual, vehicle or other item.
Who uses covert GPS tracking and why?
Covert GPS tracking is often used by law enforcement officials, private investigators, business owners, parents and suspicious spouses for a variety of applications.
Law enforcement officers often use covert GPS tracking devices to apprehend car thieves in the act of stealing a vehicle. Using a 'bait' vehicle equipped with a covert GPS tracking device, officers simply monitor the vehicle for movement and then, with GPS tracking software, track and recover the vehicle, and the thief. Covert GPS tracking devices have aided in solving other crimes, such as recovering stolen construction equipment.
Private investigators use covert GPS tracking devices to track vehicles and their drivers to aid in investigations. For example, a woman who suspects her husband is being unfaithful may request that a private investigator place a covert GPS tracking device on her husband's car, enabling the investigator to track her husband's movements.
Parents are also getting in on the world of covert GPS tracking. For example, many parents with teenagers are installing covert GPS tracking devices on the vehicles of their children to track their every movement. These covert GPS tracking devices can also allow parents to see how fast the teenager is driving.
Business owners use covert GPS tracking to track and monitor their employees for efficiency and honesty. For example, a covert GPS tracking device can quickly alert a business owner when an employee uses a company vehicle when he or she is not authorized to do so.
Covert GPS Tracking Equipment
Units: Covert GPS tracking devices are sold in a variety of price ranges and brand names. The more frequently a GPS tracking device is capable of delivering updates, the more expensive it typically is. Covert GPS tracking devices can be hard-wired into a vehicle or secured magnetically to the frame underneath a vehicle.
Batteries: Covert GPS tracking devices often come with a rechargeable battery and the option to purchase a more powerful, longer lasting battery. TrackingtheWorld, Inc. offers a hibernating battery pack which can enable a covert GPS tracking unit to operate for up to a month entirely unattended.
Software: GPS tracking software is an important component of the covert GPS tracking equation. GPS tracking software incorporates satellite mapping technology to allow users of GPS tracking devices to pinpoint the location of their assets. Some GPS tracking software and covert GPS tracking devices allow real time tracking, which allows users to see movement as it occurs.
Covert GPS tracking is becoming more common as the cost of GPS tracking equipment and GPS tracking software becomes more affordable.
For more information on covert GPS tracking equipment, please visit