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Understanding Active GPS Trackers

With the important advancements in GPS tracking technology, active GPS trackers are more popular, more useful, and more affordable than ever before.  If you’re considering the purchase of GPS trackers for business or personal use, consider one of the many active GPS trackers on today’s market.  This article provides a brief overview of active GPS tracking systems and the many uses for them.

What They Do:

Active GPS trackers continuously log and report location information at predetermined intervals usually ranging from every few seconds to every few hours.  Using a computer with Internet access and GPS tracking software, users can immediately access the continuous feed of location and movement information.  Active GPS trackers require a subscription-based GPS tracking service.

Information Provided by Active GPS Trackers:

Active GPS trackers, sometimes called real time GPS trackers, can be used to track people, vehicles, or other assets with amazing accuracy. Information provided by these trackers can include, miles traveled, speed, stops, idle time, etc.  Unlike passive GPS trackers which only log and store information, active trackers provide continuous updates which allow for additional features such as geo-fencing, alarms, and voice communication options.

Is an Active GPS Tracker Right for Me?

For the parent who wants immediate and constant access to the location of a teen driver, or for business owners who seeks to view the locations of each vehicle within their fleet at any time of day, active GPS trackers are certainly the best choice.  Active GPS trackers require the use of GPS tracking software for processing the reported data and generating reports.  GPS tracking software utilizes satellite mapping technology to provide very detailed, street level views.

Compact and Affordable

Advancements in GPS technology have resulted in the development of active GPS trackers which are no larger than a small cell phone or beeper.  Users may choose to carry the device on their person, or place it in a handbag or automobile glove box.  Active GPS trackers are affordable enough for almost any budget.  For just a few hundred dollars, you can purchase a GPS tracker suitable for business or personal use.

For More Information

TrackingTheWorld is a global leader in the development of GPS trackers and GPS tracking software.  For more information on active GPS trackers for business or personal use, please visit