Your First GPS Tracking Device
When you first decide to order your GPS tracking device you need to make a decision as to what type of GPS device unique one is simplest things to start out with is the WorldTracker GPRS device. When your package first arrives at your house and you open up the box you will notice that there is a very small GPS device sitting in that box. Also included in that box is the power supply for charging the GPS device.
Upon taking the GPS device out of the box you will notice that it is a small device with two lights on the top one for the cell signal and one for the satellite signal. Next on the side of the GPS device will find a button that says SOS, and you will find in all an off switch. When you first turn the device on you'll see two different sets of lights blinking at you the first one is a red light for the cell signal that will go silent once it has acquired a cell tower nearby. The other is the GPS satellite signal that is blinking blue when it acquires enough GPS satellites it will turn solid blue as well. Once you have both find solid you have a good strong signal that you will be able to track.
With the WorldTracker GPRS device you will find that you been an extremely small device that can be placed anywhere inside a vehicle in order to be able to track it. When this device is finally taken out of its box and you have all the pieces of the equipment there in front of you make sure the very first thing you do is plug in the power supply and start charging your GPS tracking device for at least 24 hours before you need to use it.
Now that you've decided to use a GPS tracking device on a vehicle lets talk about where you need to go. Of course as with any GPS tracking device will try to get a decent GPS signal device and again you can check that by looking at the blue light on the device itself. Make sure you test this out in a vehicle before you decide to put it in your target vehicle. Because the last thing you want is the fact that you stick a GPS tracking device in a vehicle you want to follow and you're not getting GPS signal at all. This is simply a waste of time when it can easily be fixed by testing it out in your own car.
The choice of the vehicle will decide where the GPS tracking device needs to be placed and with the WorldTracker GPRS device. In some vehicle you may want to opt for the back window area or the back seat of the vehicle. If you're looking at a minivan there are plenty of places in the back of the minivan to be able to place the GPS tracking device. Most minivans have some type of cargo area in the back that is a wide open space along with side pockets that make an excellent location for the GPS tracking device.
The other option for placing the tracking device is inside pockets in the doors. Some vehicles have side pockets at the passenger door and the driver door where he can play small items such as tissues, gum, or other small knickknacks. This would make an excellent location for a tracking device. However, I would suggest that you place the tracking device all in the passenger side of the vehicle instead of that the driver side, the reason for this is that in many of the drivers utilize that side pocket and went quickly and easily find a tracking device.
The final option for placing the WorldTracker GPRS device is to place it in the glove compartment. However, before you do that make sure you test this out in another vehicle and ensure yourself that you are getting a strong GPS tracking signal otherwise you're going to be wasting her time placing us in the glove compartment. Again the main thing here is that you have some ability for the GPS tracking device to have a view of the sky. It does not need to be direct view of the sky it just needs to be some type of access to this guy.
What are the other options with the WorldTracker GPRS is the additional extended life hibernator case. This is a case that gives you extended battery life of up to 90 days with the WorldTracker GPRS. In addition this case has a set of very strong magnets that can allow you to attach this to the bottom of the vehicle. This case is also waterproof and crashproof as well so that you can be assured of the fact that it will not be destroyed by random rocks or pebbles from the concrete. In addition these batteries will extend the life of the WorldTracker GPRS for up to 90 days still allowing a update every 15 seconds of the location. The best part of this battery case is the fact that it does include a motion sensor which puts the tractor into a hibernation mode after five minutes of inactivity from the vehicle.
So buying your first GPS tracking device is quite exciting especially when you see how small these devices are today. But it does take a bit of work to ensure that when you're ready to places all in a vehicle for tracking that you had the experience to place it in the right location in order to get the strongest signal. Plus, you have to ensure that your GPS tracking device is not found by the subject. So again, I cannot stress enough the fact that you must practice with placement of the WorldTracker GPRS on a vehicle before you actually place it on your target vehicle.