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GPS AVL Tracking

Keeping track of your company's fleet has never been easier, thanks to Security Concept's WorldTracker AVL global positioning satellite fleet management system. No matter what type of company you run, having expensive assets out on the road can be a nerve-wracking affair. The WorldTracker AVL solves this problem by keeping you in touch with your equipment at all times--no matter where in the world it's located.

WorldTracker AVL (Automatic Vehicle Location) is a completely mobile device that utilizes a combination of technologies to keep you up-to-date on your vehicle's whereabouts. Once you've installed the WorldTracker AVL into a particular vehicle, it uses the vehicle's on-board power supply to function, meaning you don't have to worry about the unit shutting down because of dead batteries.

In order to determine and transmit its location, the WorldTracker AVL unit send signals via GPS, GSM, GPRS or SMS technology to satellites and mobile telephone base transceiver stations. Since it contains a tri-mode (1900/1800/900 MHz) cell-based transceiver, the WorldTracker is able to operate in virtually any cellular phone network around the globe. This gives you constant coverage no matter where your vehicle is located.

The WorldTracker AVL provides real-time tracking information, which allows you to use the unit for polling, fleet management, and fleet security. The data you get from your WorldTracker can help you keep your vehicles and assets secure and running as smoothly and efficiently as possible. Get in touch with us today if you're interested in purchasing or reselling these units.